March 11 2025


  The accompanying graph illustrates how Energy Logic Corporation will organize to interface with you. Reporting to your Project Manager will be Energy Logic's Senior Project Manager. All significant communication will occur between these two individuals (and anyone else designated by you) in regular job meetings as needed. Items will be noted in minutes of meetings to ensure instructions and procedures are understood and followed.

  The ELC Project Manager will have support from experienced Technical Services Staff completely competent to execute each area of expertise as illustrated in the above flow chart. Additional support will be provided by the Senior Principals of ELC on a regular and as needed basis.


  Methodology in ELC's approach to implementing lighting projects.

  1. Establishing Lighting Objective
  2. Audit & Energy Analysis
  3. Design & Specifications
  4. Testing & Verification
  5. Project Management & Installation
  6. Training & Manuals


Energy Logic Corporation