February 12 2025

Lighting Innovations

Metro Canada Logistics (MCL)

 MCL is a third party logistics firm which provides material handling, storage, shipping, receiving and trafficking of their customers' products. Their customers include companies such as Kellogg's and Proctor & Gamble. Two of MCL's major facilities are 9 and 11 West Drive in Brampton. They are approximately 600,000 square feet in size.

 Prior to the lighting upgrade the facilities employed strip fluorescent lighting in a variety of types and sizes. The lighting was randomly distributed to provide average light distribution throughout the facility.

 The lighting at one time had been functional, but when we reviewed the facilities the operational needs were not being met.

 Working with MCL, ELC established lighting criteria for a new system. The system would have to produce specific foot-candles for various applications throughout the operation. The new system was to maximize energy cost reductions; was to provide a simple payback of 3 years or less; was to reduce ongoing maintenance; was to be flexible enough in design in order to adjust for future operational needs.

 After considering various options and testing, an HID System was designed that ultimately met and surpassed all criteria.

 At the conclusion of the project, MCL enjoyed improved lighting, a flexible system and reduction in energy costs of 50% in one facility and 65% in the other.

 Thousands of fluorescent fixtures were replaced by a fractional amount of HID fixtures, thus eliminating the ongoing purchases of large quantities of replacements lamps and ballasts. The design enables MCL to change the lighting layout with relative ease.

Energy Logic Corporation